Все колыбельные Современные колыбельные
Take off the socks
Slip out of the shoes
Dad fell asleep
While watching the news
Daddy is snoring
And he doesn't hear
I kiss him "good night!"
Mom whispers "come here"
Let's take daddy up to bed
Sleep, daddy, sleep
When you dream, dream sweet
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
My little brother
Is drinking his milk
His eyes are so heavy
His hair is like silk
Mama she rocks him
Safe in her lap
Every thing stops
He's taking a nap
Let's take baby up to bed
Sleep, baby, sleep
When you dream, dream sweet
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Mama just washed my flannel PJs
Hot from the drier
I like 'em that way
I hop into bed
She tucks me in tight
I give her a hug
And whisper "good night!"
I can't wait to go to bed!
Sleep, time to sleep
Going to dream, dream sweet
Schmetterling kommt nach Haus
kleiner Bar kommt nach Haus
Kanguruh kommt nach Haus
die Lampen leuchten - der Tag ist aus
Kabeljau schwimmt nach Haus
Elephant lauft nach Haus
Ameise rast nach Haus
die Lampen leuchten - der Tag ist aus
Fuchs und Gans kommen nach Haus
Katz und Maus kommen nach Haus
Mann und Frau kommen nach Haus
die Lampen leuchten - der Tag ist aus
Alles schlaft und alles wacht
alles weint und alles lacht
alles schweigt und alles spricht
alles wei? man leider nicht
alles schreit und alles lauscht
alles traumt und alles tauscht
sich im Leben wieder aus
es sitzt schon der Abend auf unserem Haus
Schmetterling fliegt nach Haus
wildes Pferd springt nach Haus
altes Kind kommt nach Haus
die Lampen leuchten - der Tag ist aus
There's a great big frog sitting on a rock
He's fast asleep
And a little brown bug's on a kitchen clock
He's fast asleep
There are dogs and mice and horses
Goats and wooly white sheep
Would you believe this very minute
They're fast asleep
There's a big brown bear somewhere in the woods
He's fast asleep
And a family of ducks in our neighborhood
They're fast asleep
There are dogs and mice and horses
Goats and wooly white sheep
Would you believe this very minute
They're fast asleep
And we wouldn't wanna wake them
So please don't make a peep
'Cuz all of them are very tired
And they deserve their sleep
There's a little white kitten snuggled up tight
He's fast asleep
And there's someone special with me tonight
Falling fast asleep
Falling fast asleep
Sov nu, lille prinsen min,
När jag släcker ljuset
Far ska gå till sin maskin,
Mor ska vakta huset
Sov nu, prinsen, du som kan
Far går till fabriken han
Jobbar hårt som katten
Hela långa natten
Månen lyser gul och hel
Uppå himlarundan
Livet är ett penningspel,
Ingen slipper undan
Klaga hjälper ej, kamrat!
Banderoller och plakat
Kan man inte äta
Det ska prinsen veta
Koppla av nu, lille prins,
Tid har du ju gott om
Använd den när chansen finns,
Sedan blir det bråttom
Sedan blir det bråk och strid
Om ackord och övertid
Än är ingen fara,
Ta det lugnt du bara
Sov nu, lille prinsen min,
När jag släcker ljuset
Far ska gå till sin maskin,
Mor ska vakta huset
Här hos mor har du det bra,
Mor har allt det du vill ha
För det kan jag lova
Nu ska prinsen sova
More: Текст песни Cornelis Vreeswijk: Vaggvisa http://lyrics-keeper.com/ru/cornelis-vreeswijk/vaggvisa.html#ixzz4wTmwPRqA
Once there was a way to get back homeward
Once there was a way to get back home
Sleep, pretty darling, do not cry
And I will sing a lullaby
Golden Slumbers fill your eyes
Smiles awake you when you rise
Sleep pretty darling do not cry
And I wil sing a lullaby
Once there was a way to get back homeward
Once there was a way to get back home
Sleep, pretty darling, do not cry
And I will sing a lullaby
Golden Slumbers fill your eyes
Smiles awake you when you rise
Sleep pretty darling do not cry
And I wil sing a lullaby
Oh, you're gonna carry that weight
Carry that weight a long time
Oh, you're gonna carry that weight
Carry that weight a long time
Жми лайк!