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Фильтры (3)
Dreams Are the Flowers
Jackie Cusic
Close your eyes, sleep is more than it seems
Soon you'll discover a garden of dreams
A blossoming tapestry lights up the dark
Dreams are the flowers
That bloom in your heart.
Rose dreams are red like a new valentine
Violets are blue 'cause they're sad all the time
Daisy dreams shine like the sun in the park
Dreams are the flowers
That bloom in your heart.
So dream and bloom, bloom and dream
And watch your garden grow
When you awaken with a smile
Everyone will know you've been to dreamland
And now you've returned
Eager to share everything you've learned.
Believing in dreams
Верь в мечты,
Isn't really so hard
На самом деле это не так сложно,
Dreams are the flowers
Ведь мечты - это цветы,
That bloom in your heart
Цветущие в твоём сердце [пока ты спишь].

Stay awake
Karen Taylor-Good

Stay awake, don't rest your head
Don't lie down upon your bed
While the moon drifts in the skies
Stay awake, don't close your eyes

Though the world is fast asleep
Though your pillow's soft and deep
You're not sleepy as you seem
Stay awake, don't nod and dream
Stay awake, don't nod and dream

Though the world is fast asleep
Though your pillow's soft and deep
You're not sleepy as you seem
Stay awake, don't nod and dream
Stay awake, don't nod and dream

Counting Sheep
Paige Morehead

When it's time to go to bed
But you're not a sleepy head
Let's try something new
Let's try another tune...
Although you're in your bed-o
Pretend you're in a meadow
And count up all the sheep
As you slumber off to sleep
When you need to snooze there's nothing you can loose,
Sheep are to help you sleep!
Number 1: Plays accordian
Number 2: Looks like you!
Number 3: Says Wheeeee
Number 4: Says, here comes more!
Number 5: Jumps real high
Number 6: Is doing tricks!
Number 7: Engines Revinn'
Number 8, Number 8, Number 8's: Runnin' late
Number 9's: Right on time-
Number 10: Says sing it again!

Fast Asleep
Paige Morehead

There's a great big frog sitting on a rock
He's fast asleep
And a little brown bug's on a kitchen clock
He's fast asleep
There are dogs and mice and horses
Goats and wooly white sheep
Would you believe this very minute
They're fast asleep

There's a big brown bear somewhere in the woods
He's fast asleep
And a family of ducks in our neighborhood
They're fast asleep
There are dogs and mice and horses
Goats and wooly white sheep
Would you believe this very minute
They're fast asleep

And we wouldn't wanna wake them
So please don't make a peep
'Cuz all of them are very tired
And they deserve their sleep
There's a little white kitten snuggled up tight
He's fast asleep
And there's someone special with me tonight
Falling fast asleep
Falling fast asleep

Baby mine
Paige Morehead

Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine

Little one when you play
Don't you mind what they say
Let those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine

If they knew sweet little you
They'd end up loving you too
All those same people who scold you
What they'd give just for
The right to hold you

From your head to your toes
You're not much, goodness knows
But you're so precious to me
Cute as can be, baby of mine.

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